Make Money Online With Facebook 3

Facebook is a big place and in my opinion is a large marketplace where the opportunities are endless!

Like I said before in the previous article that people on Facebook are not always in the buying mood and so would find it an insult if you sell anything to them.

You have to be careful on Facebook not to hard sell, people hate it when you sell products to them on Facebook. People don't like it when the essence of being their friend is to sell some items to them. It's annoying!

Why don't you create something like a membership programme, like a fan page or group where your friends join in. How do you do this?

Create a fan page on a specific niche where people get to join, you could create a fan page on "money making online"  that is how to make money online.

Your fan page will be exclusively for people who wants to make money online or who are looking for a way to make money online. It means people that have no business with money making wouldn't join such a program. It's a free will!

With this steps you've taken, I assure you are on the right path towards online success on Facebook because the people on your fan page are those who willingly join your fan page for the sole purpose of what you are promoting. You didn't force them!

This means that these categories of people have given you a go ahead to send email updates, newsletter, news, etc... and as such would not find it irritating if they should receive notifications from you.

This also means that it's okay if you notify them of upcoming books on sale or the product you're promoting once they compliment the essence of your fan page and the reason why they joined the program.

However, make sure the product you are selling or promoting on your fan page is what will add value to their life and will help them actualize their goals.

Have their welfare at heart, show them you care. This is very key! or else people will be dissapointed in what you have to offer and unsubscribe from your fan page.

If your fan members are the categories of people looking for ways of "making money online" make sure you assist them in achieving that aim.

It might be through giving them some friendly advice on how to make money online or selling some money making ebooks to them, etc... all these are aimed in improving their life financially. right!

Why don't you create a fan page or groups today on a specific niche and from there get people of same interest and passion to join in and start marketing to these set of people{not hard sell} and your success on Facebook would have just begone! I assure you!

Remember this is a site that's genuinely designed to help beginners make money online!

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